The starting of this book itself indicates that this book is very special and after reading I really felt the same.
"Sun who spreads light and warmth wherever he goes and is an example to all those who think beyond their horizon."
Paulo Colho's words are also like the Sun which always show the different ray of hope to discover the hidden secrets of oneself to them who think beyond the normal routine life.
This is a biography of a woman ,liked to call Athena.This is alike of those biographies which are written by authors on the basis of their own discoveries about the person but this is a special biography telling the experiences of the people who came across to Athena.
Heron Ryan ,44 Jornalist
No one lighta a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of the light is to creat more light,to open people's eyes, to reveal the marvels around.
No one sacrifices the most important thing one possesses : LOVE.
No one places dreams in the hands of those who might destroy them.
Believing that I was blinded by love,I doubted every thing, but doubt, far from paralysing me,pushed me in the direction of ocean whoes existance I couldn't admit.
Andrea McCain 32 actress
No one manipulate anyone else.In any relationship,both parties know what they are doing,even if one of them compains later on that they were used.'
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